Monday, December 21, 2009


Today we are celebrating the International Migrants Day as declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 4 December 2000. The 18th December was chosen as on the same date in 1990, the General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.

This day is observed in many countries, by intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as in one way or the other, we are all either migrants or descendents of migrants. Hence, it is important that human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants are disseminated to ensure the protection of migrants taking into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world.
Migration has several dimensions and the purpose of migration varies with time and circumstances. It can be temporary, circular or permanent and has several implications such as impact on physical and cultural environment, diaspora contribution among others. Unfortunately, issues like ill treatment, human trafficking also affect migration and this is why protection of migrants has become vital today. In Mauritius, though, we are more directly concerned with migration of labour. Mauritius is a good example of a country where both inward and outward labour migration are being implemented in a structured manner. We have presently around 36,000 expatriates working in our territory, particularly in the construction and manufacturing sectors. Indeed, these expatriates are playing, and will continue to play a crucial role in the economic development of our island. We can say that to a certain extent, we have become dependent on them for the survival of enterprises and for safeguarding the jobs of local workers.

Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot deny the fact that the migrant workers in Mauritius, coming mostly from China and India have tremendous skills and capabilities and these skills and capabilities can be seen for example, in the numerous state of the art buildings being erected around the island. Ebène is a very good example. Moreover, where local workers and expatriate workers are called to work together, there is a significant sharing of skills, beneficial to both.

On the other hand, since Mauritius became a member of the IOM in 2006, my Ministry has been facilitating the placement of Mauritian nationals in employment in Canada. As at today, some 271 Mauritians have already left for such jobs. An additional 40 will be leaving by the end of January 2010. The French Government, with which an agreement on labour migration has been signed, will shortly have the agreement ratified so that implementation of the project can start.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mauritius has included labour migration in its development strategy and with the collaboration of the IOM, indeed, Mauritians who are working in Canada have been sending remittances to their families. This is a good sign whereby our people are saving and sending funds to Mauritius which surely will be used either to set up small businesses or for the improvement of their quality of living.

Ladies and gentlemen, in labour migration, both receiving and sending countries benefit, one in terms of skills and the other in terms of remittances. However, in the process, we should not forget the worker himself. The worker, who is often already in a vulnerable situation, should therefore be given all the support and collaboration needed so that he can adapt to the receiving country and work without problems. As you are aware, in Mauritius, migrant workers enjoy the same conditions of work as the local workers and the law treats both migrant and local workers equally. The Special Migrant Workers Unit of my Ministry ensures that the conditions of work of the migrant workers as per their contracts of employment are duly respected and any case of complaints are attended to within the shortest delay possible.

Celebrating the Migrants day today is indeed a way to pay homage to the millions of migrant workers around the world who are engaged in a country of which they are not a national. We have to salute their courage and their will power to better their lives by working away from home, often leaving their families behind, and in some countries, at the whims and caprices of employers.

In order to mark the International Migrants Day, my Ministry, through the EPZ Labour Welfare Fund, has been organising a special activity for guests workers for the past six years. And for this year, precisely on Sunday next, some 1000 expatriates from the manufacturing sector have been invited for a recreational day at Belle Mare Waterpark.

Ladies and gentlemen, as Minister responsible for Labour and employment issues, I have a special thought for the 36000 workers coming from over 70 countries working in Mauritius presently, and also for the Mauritian workers earning their living in different parts of the world.

With these words, I would like to thank the IOM for this event and I thank you all for your attention.

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