Thursday, November 19, 2009


The Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Hon. Jean-Francois Chaumière launched a workshop on Performance Linked Wage System at the MEF-MCCI Building in Ebène this morning.

In his address, Minister Chaumière spoke of the various countries who have adopted this kind of system, and of the challenges and drawbacks associated therewith. With regards to the situation in Mauritius, the minister said: “the ethos of paying for performance can be accepted in some organisations for specific job categories, whereas in others, it can simply be resented.I would therefore suggest employers to be cautious with regards to the introduction of performance-linked-wage system, particularly if such a system does not exist in the enterprise concerned. The introduction of such a system should first imperatively be the subject of discussions and consultation with the workers as well as their representatives and trade union organisations. Employers who envisage to introduce Performance-Linked Pay System, must do so in full respect to the true spirit and principles of Collective-Bargaining. While implementing a Performance-linked wage system, enterprises should also ensure that there are no departures from the principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value. Allow me to add this is enshrined in our laws, in section 20 of the Employment Rights Act.”

The Minister also expressed his satisfaction at the forthcoming tripartite meeting, as announced by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Dr. Rama Sithanen in the budget speech yesterday. “This should help resolve the issue of the absence of trade unions on the National Pay Council, as is presently the case”, he commented.

The MEF workshop spans over two days. The main resource persons are: Mr. Hezron Njuguna, Senior Specialist in Employers’ Activities from ILO Addis Abeba and Mr. Maroly Vivekanandan, General Manager of the Malaysian Employers’ Federation.

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